The 11th edition of the pre-eminent textbook on physical examination contains foundational content to guide students’ approaches to history taking, interviewing, and other core assessment skills, as well as fully illustrated, step-by-step techniques that outline correct performance of physical examination.
The book features a vibrant full-color art program and an easy-to-follow two-column format with step-by-step examination techniques on the left and abnormalities with differential diagnoses on the right.
The comprehensive, evidence-based content is intended for medical students, high-level nursing education and practice markets, as well as related health professions such as physician assistants.
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This is a great book, I love it. It is a very easy read and lots of pictures which is a plus for me because I’m a visual learner. If you don’t like to read the chapters I suggest looking at the boxes, charts and red text on the margins of the book, very detailed in explanation. This book does not have a lot of fluff though. One thing I would recommend is that the pocket guide be sold In a pack with the textbook. I had to purchase them separately and that pocket guide is very helpful in clinical.
— Verlisha Goins —
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