Mechanisms of Clinical Signs 2ed 2016

Mechanisms of Clinical Signs 2ed 2016

Organised by body system, Mechanisms of Clinical Signs, 2nd Edition explains the underlying mechanism and value of the clinical signs you are expected to know, and the conditions they indicate. Each chapter contains descriptions of clinical signs, a list of the conditions they are associated with (what conditions the signs indicate), an explanation of the mechanism and the ‘value’ of those signs (how reliable they are as an indication of a condition).

Endobronchial Ultrasonography 2ed 2020

Endobronchial Ultrasonography 2nd Edition 2020

The second edition of Endobronchial Ultrasonography covers all of the standard techniques and the very latest developments and guidelines involved in EBUS, combining two common procedures, bronchoscopy and real-time ultrasonography, allowing physicians to obtain precise biopsies of lymph nodes and masses within the chest cavity.

Musculoskeletal MRI 2nd Edition 2016

Musculoskeletal MRI 2e 2016

Musculoskeletal MRI covers the entire musculoskeletal system and related conditions, both common and rare.
The text is neatly divided into sections based on the major anatomic divisions. Each section discusses anatomic subdivisions or joints, keeping sections on normal anatomy and pathologic findings close to each other, allowing radiologists to easily compare images of normal and pathologic findings.

Atlas of Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology 1ed 2018

Atlas of Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology

Comprehensive, current, and lavishly illustrated, Atlas of Interventional Cardiology thoroughly covers all of today’s cardiac catheterization and coronary interventional procedures, including catheterization and stenting techniques, angiography, atherectomy, thrombectomy, and more.
Full-color illustrations and procedural videos guide you step by step through every interventional procedure you’re likely to perform.

How to Succeed at Medical School: An Essential Guide to Learning 1ed 2009

How to Succeed at Medical School - An Essential Guide to Learning 2009

This excellent guide to the study skills essential for surviving and thriving at medical school gives you insight into what to expect, covering the early days right through to clinical attachments.
Written by experienced medical school teachers, this is your guide from the start of medical school to the start of your medical career.