Illustrated cover to cover, Williams Gynecology delivers comprehensive, evidence-based coverage of the full spectrum of gynecologic healthcare and disease management―from benign general gynecology to reproductive endocrinology, infertility, and menopause to female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery to gynecologic oncology. Hundreds of original drawings compliment the text.
Every chapter of this authoritative guide offers a practical template enabling you to approach every diagnosis and treatment consistently and accurately―while treatment algorithms, differential diagnosis boxes, and other features make finding the right answers quick and easy. The Aspects of Gynecologic Surgery and Atlas of Gynecologic Surgery section covers benign gynecologic conditions, minimally invasive surgery, surgeries for female pelvic reconstruction, and surgeries for gynecologic malignancies.

(Williams Gynecology 3rd edition) The anatomy and surgical atlas in this book is phenominal. My attendings pimp me on the same things that come directly out of this book. It’s dense, has a ton of information, but it gives the info you need without any useless fluff. This book tells you how to understand, recognize, and treat problems. I love this book.
— Reynolds