Medical Terminology: Language for Healthcare 3ed 2010


Medical Terminology: Language for Health Care provides the comprehensive coverage needed for a 2-term or intensive 1-term Medical Terminology course.

It provides clear instruction on the basics of anatomy and physiology, using a body systems approach, and making use of extensive new line art figures and photos.

The text includes both clinical and administrative office examples and cases that provide a realistic context for introducing terms and definitions.

The student textbook comes with a free Student CD-ROM with interactive exercises and activities, and a two-CD audio program for building pronunciation skills.


  • Title: Medical Terminology: Language for Healthcare
  • Author: Nina Thierer, Deborah Nelson, Judy K. Ward, La Tanya Young
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill College
  • Publication: 2010
  • Edition: 3rd
  • Language: English
  • Pages: 786

  • Ebook PDF
  • File size: 22 MB
  • Free


This text was very useful for both the terminology course I took and for brushing up on medical knowledge in general. Went well beyond the base of the word and etymology to let you know a good bit of what each term is used for, where it is commonly used and the definitions.
— Vince

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