Gray’s Clinical Neuroanatomy: The Anatomic Basis for Clinical Neuroscience 1ed 2011

Gray’s Clinical Neuroanatomy focuses on how knowing functional neuroanatomy is essential for a solid neurologic background for patient care in neurology. Elliot Mancall, David Brock, Susan Standring and Alan Crossman present the authoritative guidance of Gray’s Anatomy along with 100 clinical cases to highlight the relevance of anatomical knowledge in this body area and illustrate the principles of localization.

Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy 2ed 2015

Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy, the companion resource to the popular Gray’s Anatomy for Students, presents a vivid, visual depiction of anatomical structures. Clinically focused, consistently and clearly illustrated throughout, and logically organized, Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy makes it easier than ever to master the essential anatomy knowledge you need!

Zollingers Atlas of Surgical Operations 9ed 2011

Zollingers Atlas of Surgical Operations 9e 2011

For more than half-a-century, Zollinger’s Atlas of Surgical Operations has been the gold-standard reference for learning how to perform the most common surgical procedures using safe, well-established techniques. The ninth edition continues this tradition of excellence with the addition of color illustrations and coverage of more than 230 procedures, including many of the most important laparoscopic operations.