This comprehensive and up-to-date presentation of vascular ultrasound provides a detailed account of this diagnostic modality and the exciting expansion it has seen in recent years. The emphasis is on the clinical aspects that are relevant from the angiologist’s and vascular surgeon’s point of view.
The main chapters are subdivided into a text section and an atlas section. The text part of each chapter gives an account of the respective vascular territory in terms of its sonoanatomy, the examination procedure and normal findings, the indications for diagnostic ultrasound, and the clinical impact of the ultrasound findings. The atlas constituting the second part of each chapter presents a compilation of pertinent case material to illustrate the typical ultrasound findings not only of the more common vascular diseases but also of rare conditions that are nevertheless significant for the vascular surgeon and angiologist. The ultrasound material is compared with the angiographic and intraoperative findings.
This book is a benefit for beginners as well as for experienced sonographers.
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A very useful aspect of this book, particularly for students, is the presentation of normal as well as pathologic ultrasonographic findings side-by-side with their angiographic “gold-standard” findings. For the clinician, the case scenarios are quite useful in helping to demonstrate the clinical use of ultrasonography. This is a high quality publication with good theoretical descriptions of how ultrasonography can be best used and excellent illustrations to accompany the text. The applications are up-to-date and thus make the book a useful addition to any vascular labor radiology suite.
— Doody’s review, April 2006